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Anyone who demands performance must offer meaning | GERNOT SCHULZ |

Prof. Gernot Schulz, a long-time Berlin Philharmonic member, musician and educator supported by Karajan and Bernstein, is now an internationally sought-after conductor. From the Berlin Philharmonic to the Orquestra Filarmonica Mexico City to the Seoul Radio Orchestra – Gernot Schulz is a guest of many renowned orchestras in Europe, South America and Asia.

His many years of experience as a conductor, musician, music teacher and additional training as a trainer (Blair Singer) make Gernot Schulz ideally suited to impressively convey the interactive processes between “leader” and “team”.

How does a team of individualists become a harmonious orchestra? What does leadership have to be like to be successful? This question concerns human resources management and managers alike. It's worth taking a look at an orchestra and its conductor.

"Is the conductor up there actually necessary?” Maybe you’ve asked yourself that before. After all, the orchestra usually consists of highly professional musicians who master their instruments and the notes they play. Of course, this orchestra is capable of playing a Mahler symphony flawlessly. Even without the conductor and his baton. But does he also manage to create a coherent interpretation that touches the listener deep down? Turning a group of individualists into a team focused on sharing success – that is one of the conductor’s essential tasks. In this context, three areas of competence play a main role:

  1. Perception and communication
  2. Trust and appreciation
  3. Meaning and identification.

“Conducting & Leading” makes the various topics of team building and leadership tangible in a sensual and emotional way, thus ensuring an exceptionally lasting effect. It takes the leaders (the participants) out of their comfort zone - working with an orchestra is the focus, because no other team responds so directly to leadership. This provides effective impulses for self-awareness, change and development and provides answers to the daily questions of managers.

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